My First Blog

My First Blog

I openened this business on Black Friday with no advertising in fact with nothing but a post o Facebook.

And I thought i wasnt going to have enough product that you the customer would come pounding down my virtual doors. That never happened. In fact I did not learn in my head anyway that im a little drop in a big ocean and all the fish are looking at their phones. So I have been advertising but that has just been costing money and no real results no sales. So now I have set up a strategy to get myself and this business out there. If you are reading this then it did ineed work. Here are my stategies. First im going to put something up on Insta everyday whether it be picture video reel whatever I can make that day in a few minutes. Then I will do the same on Facebook. The same on TikTol and Pinterest. Then I think where I will advertise is locally in the local Newspaper. Plus being at the Variety Markets Open Air market will help I got a sign made and everything! That is a project in itself.But it is one that has paid off and I have had good days there. Hopefully these strageties will work. 

Do people like what they ask for? Do they really want real models Im not getting the response I was looking for there either. In fact the skinny people came out and outright bullied me.I was forced to remove a post! Several Posts. And change a few pics on here. This my holy place where all are welcome. It really has fried my cookies. I have also received a new website which you are viewing, I started this blog and I am including a Podcst on here as well you can listen while you shop. Im hoping my online presence is just as enjoyable as me in person that is what Im trying to achieve anyway this is my howdy come on in the pod cast will be enjoy yourself and the best part is the shopping!! Have fun enjoy yourself. If you would like to see something and you dont let me know ill do my best to try and get it And most of all Thank YOU Thank you for being here thank you for reading this and thank you for buying and making me a part of your life. I hope we continue to have an awesome relationship! MUAH for now my lovelies! 

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